And a Great Semester It Was

After almost 5 month of studying in IIUM, a lot of beautiful and unforgettable moments have been made.At first, the thought of not having the PJ guys in Gombak would surely make the whole semester and the law community dull and boring, but THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A MISTAKE!! Our batch, was awesome to say the least.Having new members joining the family makes it even more merrier.The top 8 things which makes the 1st semester rocks:

  • The food is spectacular and our mahallah is the best.
  • Rakan2 yg sekepala main badminton *Shah, Syafiq, Afiq, Paiq and a lot lagi
  • Lecturer and tutors yg best
  • Our batch of boys n girls becomes closer *nadia, adila, naim, sophie and a bunch more which kat Nilai dulu x lah sgt
  • The atmosphere is great
  • Rakan2 baru yg terbaek *Muiz, abg zikry, abg aizan bla3
  • Kat sini berlambak competition ntuk isi masa lapang *badminton lagi2
  • Suasana belajar yg mantap *ok, nih sgt hipokrit
And lately, mcm2 adventure di lalui seperti paranormal activity J 4.1 n birthday suprises yg disambut dgn mantaps nye.anyways, next sem harap2 sume ni akan kekal

P/S: to rakan seperjuangan terbaek Syafiq Anak Sarip. Happy Birthday!! *cantiklah tu kakak!!

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Exam Itu Sangat Seronok (E.I.S.S)

Setelah berapa lama xupdate blog, last2 ada jgk time nak tgk2 balik.Finals pon tinggal lagi seminggu dgn 7 subject *dah mcm pmr lak.So, study and struggle for this last 3 weeks and then cuti sebulan.So, apa kaitan nya dgn gmba nih? entah lah..dah memang kegilaan, so gmba xde kaitan pon bubuh je.Idola2 ntuk masa yg akan dtg

P/S: Li-Ning..kalau lah tiba2 dpt hidayah baca post nih,sila turunkan harga product anda
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Adrenaline Rush

~Can't wait~
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Life hold mysteries you can never explain.At certain times, it seems that you're on the highest peak of your life and the happiness that surrounds you at that time seems to last forever.However, we would soon realize that was just temporary and soon you'll feel that life is just meaningless.Believe it or not, sorrowness nor happiness, laughter nor tears, joy nor pain, neither of them can be separated for all of this are a part of this ever-going journey called life.A video tribute to my once and will forever be favourite song which have never failed to cast that magic spell on me
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Rather than posting lengthy posts, i think i'll start making it much short n simple.One thing that i've always heard, or perhaps everybody has, is that winning is not everything and to tell you the truth, i don't believe it AT ALL.To be good in life, you'll have to do all that it takes, to make sure that you'll reach your targets,in a good way of course.To lose and not to feel anything is rubbish and you'll never be good.So far, i'll apply this in my life.Studies,music,sports.Winning is all that matters.

P/S: the picture of the duo aka Cai/Fu tells everything
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Kemahuan plus keperluan


p/s: sponsors sgt2 di alu2 kan :)
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A day in a life of a law student

I never knew that i'll be writing about my daily life in IIUM now with all the tight schedules and a hell of activities but well, here we go.Totally different compared during my time in foundation, surprisingly ALL my classes starts at 8am in the morning EVERYDAY thanks to a dear friend of mine for arranging our schedule plan *which i did not do anything at all.So, having a campus as big as you can ever imagine, class at 8am means you'll have to get up an hour before that particular time to get ready.After that, going to Aikol would be hell if you don't have a car and your hostel is Salahuddin Al-Ayubi so driving a car would benefit you....A LOT.Mass lecture will be conducted in Moot Court for our Malaysian Legal System with our beloved Dr. Farid Sufian who can be quite cynical sometimes.Bringing sweaters to Moot Court is a MUST and i mean it.Once i was quite sick at that time, even wearing sweaters did not help me at all plus i got this one side effect which was told by Hilmi called "urat keting" which basically means your feet hurts like shit that you can't move easily.It seems ridiculous but believe me..its true.Then you have Dr. Husna Fauzi who teaches Islamic Legal System.She's the NICEST lecturer that you can find in Aikol and i am not kidding you at all.To keep her class alive, you just have to make sure that you participate in the discussion or the class would be dead..literally.Next would be Dr Altaff Hussain Ahangar.He's a great lecturer teaching Tort Law and he has a great accent.I could never be bored in his lectures.Dr. Zuraidah would come next who teaches Law of Contract.At first, you'll be startled as she will go EXTREMELY fast but somehow, you'll be able to catch up anyway.Being the first person to be asked a question about the History of Contract Law in Malaysia, i learned that she'll just asked practically anyone about questions you'll never EXPECT at all *credits to Muiz Razak for helping me with the question.hahaha

Lunch time would be the time of the day that everybody looks forward because that would be the only time for everyone to see each other and relax and talk...and talk.With our ISLAMIC MEAN GIRLS *thanks to Shahir...or girl to be exact, Nadiah Khairi joining us for lunch, our voices and laughter would nevertheless be the next bigbang explosion to occur in IIUM.After all the classes in the morning and some on the evening, there would be some time in the evening that would be spared for everyone to release their neck strains and all that sorts of crap.So I would go running which is also followed by other people in the campus as i think that everyone would basically agree that IIUM is a great place to burn that extra fat and getting fit as it is practically HUMONGOUS.Badminton with random people there would also be fun plus the madness that follows.Lastly would be dinner and after that, a trip to the library which IS THE FIRST TIME THAT I CAN STUDY IN A LIBRARY... literally.So, what more should i ask?everything is great here i could never ask for more.

P/S: perhaps some extra cafes would be nice.hak3
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